HTTP functions


[SINCE Orbeon Forms 4.2]

Return the portlet mode.

xxf:get-portlet-mode() as xs:string

If running within a portlet context, return the portlet mode (e.g. view, edit), otherwise return the empty sequence.

NOTE: This function only works with the full portlet. The proxy portlet is not supported.


xxf:get-remote-user() as xs:string?

Returns the username for the current user of the application, if known by the container, for instance because users log in with BASIC of FORM-based authentication.


    $name         as xs:string,
    $content-type as xs:string?
) as item()?

The xxf:get-request-attribute() function returns the value of the given request attribute. The attribute may have been previously placed in the request through Java code, or using xxf:set-request-attribute(), for example.

The types of attribute objects supported are the same types supported by the Scope generator, plus types stored with xxf:set-request-attribute().

If present, the second parameter can specify the text/plain content type. In that case, if a String object is retrieved, it is returned as an xs:string instead of being parsed as XML.

<!-- Get the "document" attribute and use it to replace instance "my-instance" -->


    $header-name as xs:string
) as xs:string*

    $header-name as xs:string,
    $encoding    as xs:string
) as xs:string*

The xxf:get-request-header() function returns the value(s) of the given request HTTP header.

  • $header-name

    • required header name

    • The case is ignored.

  • $encoding

    • [SINCE Orbeon Forms 2018.2]

    • optional encoding name

    • values

      • ISO-8859-1 (the default): each byte in the header value represents an ISO-8859-1 character

      • UTF-8: each byte in the header value represents a UTF-8 byte

    • NOTE: The only supported standard for header names is ISO-8859-1. But in practice, headers can be encoded with other character encodings. The callee must then know which character encoding is passed.

<!-- Remember the User-Agent header -->

This function can be used even after page initialization, and can be used everywhere other XPath functions are supported.


[SINCE Orbeon Forms 4.2]

Return the current HTTP method.

xxf:get-request-method() as xs:string

Return the HTTP method of the current request, such as GET, POST, etc.


    $parameter-name as xs:string
) as xs:string*

The xxf:get-request-parameter() function returns the value(s) of the given request parameter.

<!-- Remember the "columns" parameter -->

This function can be used even after page initialization, and can be used everywhere other XPath functions are supported.

NOTE: By default, most if not all servlet containers do not use the UTF-8 encoding but use ISO-8859-1 instead to decode_ URL parameters__. You can configure your servlet container to support UTF-8 instead. See the following resources:_


[SINCE Orbeon Forms 2018.2.1]

xxf:get-request-context-path() as xs:string

The xxf:get-request-context-path() function returns the context path of the incoming HTTP request.

This function can be used even after page initialization, and can be used everywhere other XPath functions are supported.


xxf:get-request-path() as xs:string

The xxf:get-request-path() function returns the path of the incoming HTTP request (without the Java servlet context if any).


This function can be used even after page initialization, and can be used everywhere other XPath functions are supported.


    $name         as xs:string,
    $content-type as xs:string?
) as item()?

The xxf:get-session-attribute() function returns the value of the given session attribute.

The types of attribute objects supported are the same types supported by the Scope generator, plus types stored with xxf:set-session-attribute().

If present, the second parameter can specify the text/plain content type. In that case, if a String object is retrieved, it is returned as an xs:string instead of being parsed as XML.

<!-- Get the "document" attribute and use it to replace instance "my-instance" -->


[SINCE Orbeon Forms 4.2]

Return the portlet window state.

xxf:get-window-state() as xs:string

If running within a portlet context, return the window state (e.g. normal, minimized, maximized), otherwise return the empty sequence.

NOTE: This function only works with the full portlet. The proxy portlet is not supported.


    $role as xs:string
) as xs:boolean

Returns true if and only if the container recognizes that the current user of the application has the specified role. Roles will be typically known by the container when users are logged in using either BASIC or FORM-based authentication.


    $name  as xs:string,
    $value as item()

The xxf:set-request-attribute() function stores the given value as a request attribute.

<!-- Set the "document" attribute into the request -->
  origin="xxf:set-request-attribute('document', instance('my-instance'))"/>


    $name  as xs:string,
    $value as item()

The xxf:set-session-attribute() function stores the given value as a session attribute.

<!-- Set the "document" attribute into the session -->
  origin="xxf:set-session-attribute('document', instance('my-instance'))"/>


[SINCE Orbeon Forms 2016.3]

    $leaf-org as xs:string
) as xs:string*

Return the current user's organizations which are the ancestors of the leaf organization passed if any, from leaf to root. The leaf organization itself is not returned.

Say you have:

Orbeon, Inc.
└── Orbeon California
    └── Orbeon San Mateo


xxf:user-ancestor-organizations('Orbeon San Mateo')


'Orbeon California', 'Orbeon, Inc.'


for $org in 'Orbeon San Mateo'
    return ($org, xxf:user-ancestor-organizations($org))


'Orbeon San Mateo', Orbeon California', 'Orbeon, Inc.'

This function only works with the header-driven method. See Form Runner Access Control Setup.


[SINCE Orbeon Forms 4.9]

xxf:user-group() as xs:string?

Return the current user's group if available. This function works with container- and header-driven methods. See Form Runner Access Control Setup.


[SINCE Orbeon Forms 2016.3]

xxf:user-organizations() as xs:string*

Return the current user's leaf organizations if any.

Say you have these organizations:

Orbeon, Inc.
└── Orbeon California
    └── Orbeon San Mateo

California Department of Education
└── Local School District

xxf:user-organizations() returns:

'Orbeon San Mateo', 'Local School District'

This function only works with the header-driven method. See Form Runner Access Control Setup.


[SINCE Orbeon Forms 4.9]

xxf:user-roles() as xs:string*

Return the current user's roles if available. This function works with container- and header-driven methods. See Form Runner Access Control Setup.


[SINCE Orbeon Forms 4.9]

xxf:username() as xs:string?

Return the current user's username if available. This function works with container- and header-driven methods. See Form Runner Access Control Setup.

Last updated