Providing information about the user
Why Orbeon Forms might need user's information?
Form Runner can use information about the user to control whether that user can access:
Form Builder to edit forms – for more on this, see access control for editing forms;
Deployed forms you created with Form Builder – for more on this, see access control for deployed Forms.
Form Runner can obtain this information either by:
Calling a standard servlet API implemented by your application server, referred to as container-driven method.
Using HTTP headers set by a reverse proxy or a servlet filter, referred to as header-driven method.
Container-driven or header-driven, which to choose?
Are you using the Liferay proxy portlet? In this case, you'll be using the header-driven method, since the Orbeon Forms Liferay proxy portlet uses headers to pass information about the user to Form Runner.
Otherwise, are your permissions dependent on more than users being authenticated and on their roles? In this case you need to use header-based permissions. This would for instance be the case if:
You are using group-based permissions and you need finer-grained control over what the user's group is. More specifically, with container-based permissions, users information is obtained through the servlet API, which doesn't have a notion of user's group. So in that case, Form Runner takes the first role to be the group, which is fine in certain use cases, but not in others that require more control over what the user's group is.
You are using organization-based permissions, as the servlet API doesn't have any support for organizations.
Otherwise, do you want to use the login and logout pages provided by Form Runner? If so, you'll want to go with container-based permissions, as those pages rely on facilities provided by the container to do the authentication.
Otherwise, you can use either container-based or header-based permissions, going with the one that is the most convenient for you. If your information about users is stored in a system supported by your application server, e.g. you are using LDAP and Tomcat, then container-based is most likely the simplest option. If not, you could do such an integration, e.g. creating a custom security realm for Tomcat, and user container-based permissions, but it is in that case most likely simpler for you to go with header-based permissions and set headers in servlet filter or reverse proxy.
Container driven method
With the container-driven method, Orbeon Forms uses a standard API to ask the container, typically Tomcat, about the current user. Users are typically setup in a directory service, like Active Directory or LDAP, and you setup the container to interface with that directory service. With Tomcat:
See Tomcat's Windows Authentication How-To for more on how to setup Tomcat with Active Directory.
See Tomcat's JNDIRealm for more on how to setup Tomcat with LDAP.
In addition to the configuration at the container level, at the Orbeon Forms level, you'll want to:
Enable container-driven method – To do so, set the following property in your
:List possible roles – There is no container API for Orbeon Forms to ask for all the roles for the current user; instead Orbeon Forms can only ask if the current user has a specific role. Because of this, you need to list the possible roles in the following property. For instance, if you have two roles
define them as:Header names are split on commas, pipes, and white space (using the regular expression
). [SINCE Orbeon Forms 4.9] The splitting of header names can be overridden with the following property:Setup groups – There is no container API for Orbeon Forms to get the user's group; in fact the concept of group is foreign the container API. So, when using container-driven method, Orbeon Forms takes the first role listed in
that the user has as the user's group. If you need more flexibility in determining what the user's group is, you might want to use the header-driven method instead, which allows you to explicitly set through a header what the user's group is (more on this below).Require authentication – You'll also want to have another role, say
, that you grant to all the users who can access Form Builder. Hence, in our example, users will have either the two rolesform-builder
, or the two rolesform-builder
. In Orbeon FormsWEB-INF/web.xml
, add the following to require users to login to access Form Builder. This assumes that you're using basic authentication:
OIDC with WildFly
WildFly provides native support for OpenID Connect (OIDC) using the <auth-method>OIDC</auth-method>
authentication method. However, with this setup, WildFly does not automatically provide the current user's roles to Orbeon Forms through the standard isUserInRole(String role)
method of HttpServletRequest
Instead, WildFly exposes a proprietary OidcSecurityContext
as a servlet request attribute. This object contains an OIDC token, which includes an OIDC roles claim. If Orbeon Forms detects the WildFly-provided OidcSecurityContext
, it extracts the token and claim to determine the user's roles, which are then used for further processing.
OIDC providers such as Microsoft Entra ID can be configured to include the users' groups as roles in the OIDC tokens, which can be useful in this context.
Header-driven method
With the header-driven method, you are responsible for, in the block labeled as "reverse proxy" in the above diagram, to:
Authenticate users, preventing requests from going through to Orbeon Forms if unauthenticated access isn't authorized (e.g. redirecting users to a login page if they haven't logged in yet, or otherwise issuing a 403).
Set the headers discussed below to pass information about the user to Orbeon Forms.
When using the header-driven method, as it is your reverse proxy performing that performs user authentication, and not the container, you must remove or comment out the <security-constraint>
in the web.xml
Individual headers or single header with JSON?
You can pass information about the user either using:
3 headers, one for the username, one for the user's roles, and one for user's group.
1 header, that contains the user's information in a JSON format specified below.
The following should help you choose whether to use individual headers or a single header with JSON:
If using Orbeon Forms 2016.2 or earlier, go for individual headers. (The single header with JSON was introduced in Orbeon Forms 2016.3.)
If using organization-based permissions you'll need to use the single header with JSON, as this is the only way to pass organization-related information to Orbeon Forms.
Otherwise, you can whichever technique is more convenient for you, and in most cases using individual headers might be simpler.
When to set the headers
[SINCE Orbeon Forms 2020.1] You should provide the headers with every request made to Orbeon Forms for which you want the user to be authenticated, including Ajax requests. If you set the authentication headers for some requests, and then stop passing them, Orbeon Forms will assume the user has logged out, and clear the user's session. You can get the behavior implemented until Orbeon Forms 2019.2 (described below), by setting the
property totrue
.[UNTIL Orbeon Forms 2019.2] When you provide information about the user through headers, Orbeon Forms stores that information in the session. So for any subsequent request in the same session, you don't need to provide the headers anymore, and in fact even if you do they will be ignored.
Enable header-driven method
Whether using individual headers or a single header with JSON, in all cases you need to enable header-based permissions with the following property in your properties-local.xml
If using individual headers
Header names
Tell Orbeon Forms the name of the HTTP headers that contain the username, group, and roles for the current user.
The header
consists of a list of comma- or pipe-separated role names (using the regular expression (\s*[,\|]\s*)+
), for example:
White space around the commas or pipes is ignored.
In addition or alternatively, multiple role headers can be provided, and each of them is split according to those roles. The resulting set of roles is the combination of all roles extracted from all role headers.
[SINCE Orbeon Forms 4.9] The splitting of header names can be overridden with the following property:
Forwarding headers with 4.6 and earlier
NOTE: This step is not necessary for Orbeon Forms 4.7 and newer.
When using header-based authentication, in addition to defining the name of the headers Form Runner gets the username and role from
, you need to add those header names to the oxf.xforms.forward-submission-headers
property, so the headers are forwarded by the XForms engine to Form Runner. For instance:
LDAP-style header syntax
The value of the header is a list of roles separated by spaces, commas, or pipes (|
). Furthermore, they can optionally be composed of properties in the form of name=value
, where name
is specified by a configuration property, and value
is the value of the role. This is typically useful the value if the header follows an LDAP-style syntax, for instance:
If your header follows a LDAP-style syntax, set the following property to configure what "name" contains the header, which in this example is cn
If using a single header with JSON
Tell Orbeon Forms the name of the HTTP header that contain the user's information in JSON format:
The value of the header must be valid JSON, and follow the format described below. An example
is mandatory.groups
is optional. If present, its value must be an array with one string, representing the user's group. (An array is used here as we can envision futures version of Orbeon Forms supporting users being part of more than one group.)roles
is optional. If present, its value must be an array of roles. Each role is an object with a mandatoryname
attribute, and an optionalorganization
attribute. When the latter is present, it ties the role to the specified organization, for instance: "Linda is the manager of the iOS organization". For more on the latter, see Organization-based permissions.organizations
is optional. If present, its value must be an array. Each element of the array must in turn be an array, in which the last element is the organization the user is a member of, and preceding elements list where that organization is in the organization hierarchy. For instance,["Acme", "Engineering", "iOS"]
signifies that the user is a member of the "iOS" organization, and that, in the organization hierarchy, "iOS" is a child organization of "Engineering", and "Engineering" is a child organization of "Acme".
Beware of ModHeader
If using the ModHeader extension to test sending custom headers to Orbeon Forms, you also need to disable both JavaScript and CSS source maps in Chrome, or you'll get the following error:
object not found in session.OrbeonSessionListener
might be missing from web.xml.
This is because, out-of-the-box, that is unless you set
to true
, you are expected to send the authentication headers with every request. Orbeon Forms takes missing authentication headers as a sign that you want to tell Orbeon Forms that the user logged out, and consequently Orbeon Forms kills the "previous" user's session. ModHeader sends the headers you specified with every request, except for source maps. So after Chrome makes a request for a source maps, the session is cleared, and you'll have a problem on the next request that relies on a session, like an Ajax request.
Accessing username, group and roles in Orbeon Forms
Username/role from headers or container — Orbeon Forms automatically adds two headers, which are available within Form Runner:
— if present, the value contains the current usernameif == "container"
:obtained through the servlet/portlet container's
if == "header"
obtained via the header specified by
— if present, the value contains the current groupOrbeon-Roles
— if present, is a list of values, each with one roleif == "container"
:each role listed in
is checked against the container'sisUserInRole()
if == "header"
obtained via the header specified by
Persistence — These headers are forwarded to the persistence layer, which can make use of them. In particular, the relational persistence layers store the current username when doing any database update.
See also Accessing liferay users and roles.
See also
Login & Logout - Optional user menu for providing links to login and logout functions.
Access control for deployed forms - How to control access to deployed forms.
Form fields - How to control access to specific form fields based on the user's roles.
Access control for editing forms - How to control access to Form Builder.
Owner and group member permissions - Access based on ownership and groups.
Organization-based permissions – Access based on organizational structure.
Token-based permissions - Token-based permissions
Last updated