Other submission extensions

Annotating submitted XML data with xxf:annotate


The optional xxf:annotate may contain tokens which specify whether to annotate some elements in the submitted XML data.

This only allows annotating elements, not attributes.

Errors, warnings and informational messages

[SINCE Orbeon Forms 4.6]

The xxf:annotate attribute's error, warning and info tokens specify that elements with failed error, warning or information constraints must be annotated. For example, the following annotates failed error and warnings:

    xxf:annotate="error warning"

By default, the attributes are called xxf:error, xxf:warning and xxf:info and are in the http://orbeon.org/oxf/xml/xforms namespace.

The resulting XML will contain annotations like this:

<my-data xmlns:xxf="http://orbeon.org/oxf/xml/xforms">
    <text xxf:error="The value must contain at most 140 characters"/>
    <number xxf:warning="The value should probably be larger"/>

[SINCE Orbeon Forms 2017.1]

You can specify a custom attribute name. For example:

    xxf:annotate="error=foo:error warning=bar:warning"

In this example, the foo and bar prefixes must be in scope on the <xf:submission> element or one of its ancestors.

Element relevance information

[SINCE Orbeon Forms 2017.1]

The xxf:annotate attribute's relevant token specifies that elements in the submitted XML data must be annotated with an attribute when the element is not relevant.

  • This only applies when the nonrelevant attribute on the submission is set to keep or empty (or when the backward compatibility relevant attribute is set to false).

  • The attribute is only placed when elements are not relevant. This means that the value of the attribute is always false.

  • By default, the attribute is called xxf:relevant and is in the http://orbeon.org/oxf/xml/xforms namespace.

Basic example:


The resulting XML will contain annotations like this for non-relevant elements:

Main Street ```

You can specify a custom attribute name. For example, Form Runner uses:


In this example, the fr prefix must be in scope on the <xf:submission> element or one of its ancestors.

The resulting XML will contain annotations like this:

<my-data xmlns:fr="http://orbeon.org/oxf/xml/form-runner">
    <street fr:relevant="false">Main Street</street>

Before the document is annotated, any occurrence of the xxf:relevant (or custom) attribute is removed to ensure consistency.

Read-only XForms instances with xxf:readonly

Orbeon Forms supports an extension attribute, xxf:readonly, on the <xf:instance> and xf:submission elements. When set to true, this attribute signals that once loaded, the instance is read-only, with the following consequences:

  • The instance is loaded into a smaller, more efficient, read-only data structure in memory.

  • Instance values cannot be updated, no Model Item Properties (MIPs) can be assigned with <xf:bind> to the instance, and the read-only MIP is set to true for all the nodes in the instance. But a read-only instance can be replaced entirely by an <xf:submission replace="instance">.

  • When using client-side state handling, less data might be transmitted between server and client.

Read-only instances are particularly appropriate for loading internationalization resources, which can be large but don't change.



The xxf:readonly attribute on <xf:instance> determines if the instance is read-only until that instance is being replaced.

After an instance is replaced, it can be read-only or not irrelevant of the of xxf:readonly on <xf:instance>. When the instance is replaced, the replaced instance is read-only if and only if the <xf:submission> that does the replacement has a attribute xxf:readonly="true".

When this attribute is set to true on <xf:submission> and if the targetref attribute is specified, the replacement target must be an instance's root element.

Using attributes to indicate relevance with xxf:relevant-attribute

[SINCE Orbeon Forms 2018.2]

The xxf:relevant-attribute attribute allows specifying the name of an attribute used to indicate relevance in addition to the relevant Model Item Property (MIP). The attribute indicates a qualified name:


Submitting the following data:

<form xmlns:my="http://example.org/my">
    <e1 my:relevant="false">e1</e1>
    <e3 my:relevant="true"/>
        <e5-iteration my:relevant="false">
            <e6 my:relevant="true">e61</e6>
            <e6 my:relevant="false">e62</e6>

produces the following XML:

<form xmlns:my="http://example.org/my">

All existing instances of the attribute, irrelevant from its value, are removed from the resulting XML document.

HTTP authentication

Username, password and domain

The <xf:submission> and <xf:instance> elements support optional attributes to specify HTTP authentication credentials:

  • xxf:username: HTTP authentication username

  • xxf:password: HTTP authentication password

  • xxf:domain: domain for NTLM authentication

If xxf:username is missing or empty, the other authentication attributes are ignored.

If you specify the xxf:username without the xxf:password, the password defaults to an empty string.


NOTE: On <xf:instance>, the attribute is statically-defined. On <xf:submission>, it is an AVT and can therefore be dynamic.

Preemptive authentication

By default, the username and password are provided preemptively to the connection. In this mode, the HTTP client "will send the basic authentication response even before the server gives an unauthorized response in certain situations, thus reducing the overhead of making the connection" (HttpClient documentation).

The xxf:preemptive-authentication attribute on <xf:submission> and <xf:instance> elements allows controlling this feature. You can disable this feature by setting the property to false:

<xf:submission xxf:preemptive-authentication="false" ...>

NOTE: On <xf:instance>, the attribute is statically-defined. On <xf:submission>, it is an AVT and can therefore be dynamic.

HTTP headers forwarding

What this does

HTTP requests initiated by <xf:submission> and <xf:instance> can automatically forward incoming HTTP headers.

SECURITY NOTE: Forwarding authentication-related headers may cause a security risks when communicated with non-trusted servers. Use carefully!


You do this with the global oxf.http.forward-headers property.

The property contains a space-separated list of header names to forward:

  value="My-Header-1 My-Header-2"/>


Whenever an XForms document initializes, it saves the incoming HTTP headers to its internal state. This means that instance or submission header forwarding always uses the HTTP headers which were present at the time the XForms page was loaded. HTTP headers present during subsequent Ajax requests are ignored.

Whenever an HTTP request must be performed in relation to an instance or submission, the XForms engine looks at the list of header names and it forwards the header value if the following conditions are met:

  • There is an incoming header with that name.

  • There is no author-specified header with the same name in an <xf:header> element within <xf:submission>.

The Authorization header

The Authorization header is treated specially: if a username is specified on the submission with xxf:username, then this header is not forwarded.

Forwarding the Authorization or other authentication-related headers can be useful to propagate authentication credentials to other services, but it can also be unsafe.

Setting headers with a servlet filter

Often it is necessary to set a header for further use by Orbeon Forms. This can be done for example by a proxy or a servlet filter. In the latter case, you have to make sure you override all the relevant methods of the Java servlet API's HttpServletRequestWrapper:

getHeader(String name)
getHeaders(String name)

Compatibility notes

Since Orbeon Forms 4.9, oxf.xforms.forward-submission-headers is deprecated. Use oxf.http.forward-headers instead. For backward compatibility, header names from both properties are combined into a single set of header names. It is no longer possible to specify per-form forwarding headers using xxf:forward-submission-headers.

Prior to Orbeon Forms 4.9, the two properties were looked at in order:

  1. The local, XForms-specific oxf.xforms.forward-submission-headers property. [DEPRECATED]

  2. The global Orbeon Forms oxf.http.forward-headers property (used only as a default if oxf.xforms.forward-submission-headers is not set).

Per-page forwarding settings (removed)

[REMOVED as of Orbeon Forms 4.9]

oxf.xforms.forward-submission-headers can also be set on a per-page basis on your first model element:

  xxf:forward-submission-headers="Orbeon-Client Authorization SM_USER">

Loading indicator

When an <xf:submission> with replace="all" is executed, in general, the browser will load another page. While this happens, the loading indicator, by default shown in red at the top right of the window, is displayed. However, when the browser is served not a web page but say a ZIP file, the browser might ask you in you want to download it, and then stay in the current page. When this happens, the loading indicator does not go away.

In those cases where you know that the target page does not replace the current page, you can prevent the loading indicator from being displayed by adding the xxf:show-progress="false"attribute. [Since Orbeon Forms 2017.1] The value of the xxf:target attribute is interpreted as an AVT.

Similarly the xxf:show-progress="false" attribute can be used with the xf:load action.

Target window or frame

You can use the xxf:target attribute on both <xf:submission> and xf:load. It behaves just like the HTML target attribute. When used on <xf:submission>, it only makes sense to use this attribute when you have replace="all". Using this attribute to load a page in a new page is a case where you should add the xxf:show-progress="false" attribute. The value of the xxf:target attribute is interpreted as an AVT.

When a submission runs in response to a user action, say a click on a button, an Ajax request is sent by the browser to the server. Then, based on the Ajax response, JavaScript runs submitting a <form> with a target attribute . Browsers implement popup blockers that prevent attempt made by JavaScript to open new windows, and this unless the JavaScript code run in response to a trusted event. A trusted event is one that happened in response to a user action, such as clicking on a button. However, even if your submission runs in response a user action, as it happens in response to an Ajax request, some browsers lose track that it was started by a trusted event, and those browsers might prevent the form submission. This is the case with Safari and Firefox (but not with Chrome, IE, and Edge).

  • [UP TO Orbeon Forms 2016.3] On those browsers, the new tab or window will fail to open.

  • [SINCE Orbeon Forms 2017.1] Orbeon Forms detects that the browser prevents it from opening a new tab or window, and instead loads the resource in the current tab or window.

Replacing other instances with the xxf:instance attribute

On an <xf:submission> element with replace="instance", the optional instance attribute specifies a destination instance for the result. That attribute is processed like the instance()function, which means that the instance specified must be in the current model.

The xxf:instance extension attribute can be use instead of the standard instance attribute. It works like instance, except that the instance is searched globally among all models. xxf:instance is to the instance attribute what the [xxf:instance()][3] function is to the standard instance() function.


Enabling XInclude processing with the xxf:xinclude attribute

On an <xf:submission> element with replace="instance", the optional xxf:xinclude attribute specifies whether XInclude processing should be performed on the XML document returned, before storing it into the destination instance. The default is false.


Preventing recalculation before a submission

NOTE: Since Orbeon Forms 4.7, recalculate and revalidate are unified in Orbeon Forms. This means that this attribute is no longer needed.

XForms 1.1 provides two attributes to control pre-submission tasks:

  • validate: "indicates whether or not the data validation checks of the submission are performed".

  • relevant: "indicates whether or not the relevance pruning of the submission is performed"

    • NOTE: XForms 2.0 introduces instead nonrelevant.

Orbeon Forms adds the following attribute:

  • xxf:calculate: indicates whether or not recalculation must take place

The default value is false if the value of serialization is none and true otherwise.

The purpose of the attribute is to improve performance when multiple submission are called serially. The form author can this way completely prevent the rebuild, recalculate and revalidate flags from being checked before submitting data:


WARNING: This attribute must be used with caution, as using it might mean you submit information that is out of date.

Here is how Orbeon Forms performs the rebuild, recalculate and revalidate operations before a submission:

  • Perform rebuild if:

    • the deferred flag for rebuild is set

    • and the data to submit belongs to an instance (as opposed to a non-instance XML node)

    • and either of the effective value of the validate, relevant or xxf:calculate attributes is true

  • Perform recalculate if:

    • the deferred flag for recalculate is set

    • and the data to submit belongs to an instance (as opposed to a non-instance XML node)

    • and either of the effective value of the relevant or xxf:calculate attributes is true

  • Perform revalidate if:

    • the deferred flag for revalidate is set

    • and the data to submit belongs to an instance (as opposed to a non-instance XML node)

    • and the final effective of the validate attribute is true

The "effective value" for the validate, relevant and xxf:calculate attributes is the value after considering:

  • each attribute's default value

  • resolution of AVTs

Submitting non-XML content

Submitting text content

Orbeon Forms supports sending the text content of an XML document as per XSLT 2.0 and XQuery 1.0 Serialization. To perform a text submission:

  • The post or put method is required.

  • You must use a the text/plain value for the serialization attribute.

<xf:instance id="instance">
        This contains some text. The<b>string value</b>of the document will be sent

Submitting HTML or XHTML content

Orbeon Forms supports sending an XML document as HTML or XHTML as per XSLT 2.0 and XQuery 1.0 Serialization. To perform a HTML or XHTML submission:

  • The post or put method is required.

  • You must use a the text/html or the application/xhtml+xml value for the serialization attribute.

<xf:instance id="instance">
            <title>My page</title>
            <p>Cool HTML!</p>

Submitting binary content

XForms 1.1 does not explicitly support submitting binary content, but does not prohibit it either. Orbeon Forms supports sending the content of a binary resource specified by a URI. Such resources are easily obtained with <xf:upload>, for example. To perform a binary submission:

  • The post or put method is required.

  • You must use application/octet-stream as serialization attribute.

  • The node referred to by the submission must be of type xs:anyURI.

  • Relative URLs are supported and resolved as service URLs against the <xf:submission> element.

<xf:instance id="attachment">

Alternatively, you can set the type information using the xsi:type attribute:

<xf:instance id="attachment">
    <attachment xsi:type="xs:anyURI">

The "echo:" URL scheme

Submissions support a special "echo:" URL scheme which returns the data that was submitted. This is useful for tests.

NOTE: Previously, the undocumented "test:" scheme had the same effect. It is still supported for backward compatibility.



Receiving binary content

[SINCE Orbeon Forms 2019.1]

The extension replace="xxf:binary" attribute allows storing the content of a response in binary form.

The content of a successful response is read and stored as a temporary URI. The value of the URI is stored into the node pointed to by the targetref attribute.


The content of the element stored might look like this:


The file: URI contains parameters when possible:

  • mediatype: the Content-Type received with the response

  • size: the size in bytes of the temporary file

  • mac: an internally-produced MAC to check the file path has not been tampered with

    • This is so that xf:output in particular can access temporary files uploaded and retrieved by xf:submission but not other temporary files.

Event properties with replace="all"

[SINCE Orbeon Forms 2023.1]

When passing properties to a submission with replace="all", custom event properties were previously not usable to influence submission attributes, for example the following wouldn't work, unlike with other values of replace:

<xf:send submission="fr-send-submission-all">
    <xf:property name="uri"    value="'http://example.org'"/>
    <xf:property name="prune"  value="'true'"/>
    <xf:property name="method" value="'post'"/>


Since Orbeon Forms 2023.1, this is now supported and event properties can be used to influence submission attributes.

Local submissions (deprecated)


Since Orbeon Forms 4.7 and newer, this feature is usually not relevant as Orbeon Forms handles service requests internally. See issue #1363.


XForms pages can make heavy use of services through the use of <xf:submission>. A service is primarily identified by a URL.

  • Sometimes a service is remote (on a machine other than the machine on which Orbeon Forms is installed), in which case the URL is necessarily an absolute URL starting with http:// or https://.

  • But often services are implemented within Orbeon Forms itself, not only on the same server but within the same web application. In the case of such local submission, Orbeon Forms provides a special optimized mode which has the following benefits:

    • No actual HTTP connection is initiated, so performance is likely to be better.

    • There is no need to deal with absolute URLs such as http://localhost:8080, especially when proxies or firewalls are in place.

For more information, see also the configuration properties related to submissions.

Enabling local submissions

Orbeon Forms performs a local submission if:

  • The URL specified is not a absolute, i.e. does not start with http:// or https://.

  • The submission is not asynchronous. (This restriction may be lifted in the future.)

  • In a servlet environment:

    • The submission has replace="all" (which is the default if no replace attribute is specified) and the oxf.xforms.local-submission-forward property is set to true (which is the default).

    • The submission has replace="instance", replace="text" or replace="none" and the oxf.xforms.local-submission-include property is set to true (the default is false).

  • In a portlet environment:

    • The f:url-norewrite attribute is not set to true.

    • The f:url-type attribute is not set to resource.

NOTE: The portlet logic above is likely to be revised in the future. Also note that in the case of optimized submissions within portlets, requests are made directly to the Orbeon Forms portlet and do not use servlet forward/include.

Context resolution

In a servlet environment, paths are resolved as follows:

  • If f:url-norewrite is not set to true, the resource is resolved against the current servlet context.

  • If f:url-norewrite is set to true, the resource is resolved against the servlet container root. This allows accessing other web applications within the same servlet container.

Say your application is under context /orbeon, and you have a second web application under context /foo.

This submission calls ``/orbeon/bar`:


This submission calls ``/foo/bar`:


Limitations of includes


  • replace="instance"

  • replace="text"

  • replace="none"

optimized submission are implemented using the servlet container's include mechanism, which does not automatically build path information for the included resource.

In this case, Orbeon Forms is therefore unable to provide proper "servlet path" and "path info" information. Orbeon Forms handles this situation in the following way:

  • A blank ("") "servlet path" is provided.

  • The "path info" contains the entire path provided, instead of the path following the servlet path.

This may cause some application which rely on the "servlet path" information to behave incorrectly. For example, consider the eXist REST servlet:

  • It is mounted as /exist/rest within Orbeon Forms.

  • eXist (quite properly) expects any path following /exist/rest to be a path into the database, e.g. /exist/rest/db/orbeon produces a path called /db/orbeon.

  • If Orbeon Forms calls the eXist REST servlet with a blank servlet path and a path info containing /exist/rest/db/orbeon, eXist obviously obtains an incorrect database path.

NOTE: In short you must be careful when using local includes. The good news is that if you are using servlets which do not depend on path information as explained above, or if you have control over the implementation of the services you are calling, then you can most likely work around this limitation.

Local forwards are not subject to that limitation.

Last updated