Whenever it is possible, XBL components should follow patterns found in XForms controls. For instance, if it makes sense to think that the component is bound to a node, then the component should support single node binding attributes on the component element, just like an XForms control would.
Some components take "parameters" that can be specified by users of the component. Consider the existing date picker component. You bind it to a node which contains the date entered by the user, but can also provide a minimum and maximum date. We call those min/max dates parameters. Parameters can be:
Read-only – they only provide a value to the component, as in the above case of the min/max dates.
Read/write – the component can update a value stored in a an instance.
The convention dealing with parameters is as follows:
For read-only parameters, users can provide:
A static value through an attribute:
the attribute name is the parameter name;
the attribute value is the parameter value.
A dynamic value through a nested element:
the element local name is the parameter name;
the element namespace is the namespace of the component;
the element supports single node binding attributes;
if the parameter is read-only, the element supports the value
attribute like <xf:output>
For read/write parameters, users bind the component to the node from which to read/write the value with:
An attribute:
the attribute name ends with -ref
preceded by the parameter name;
the attribute value is a binding expression.
An element:
which works like the element for dynamic values in the read-only case (see above).