Keyboard events


  • UNTIL Orbeon Forms 2018.2

    • keypress

  • SINCE Orbeon Forms 2019.1

    • keypress, keydown and keyup


The main idea behind supporting keyboard events is to allow creating keyboard shortcuts.

Basic usage

You can, by listening to the keypress, keydown and keyup events, run actions as users type a certain key combination. Your listener can be registered on:

  • The whole document, in which case it will run whenever users press the key combination you specified. You can register a listener on the whole document either by declaring your listener directly under the xh:body as in:


    Or you can declare it anywhere in your form with an observer set to #document, as in:

  • Part of the document, in which case you set your actions to listen on a XForms control such as a xf:group or an xf:input. Note that in this case, your listener will be called only if a form control (either the one you have specified, or form control inside the one you have specified for container form controls) has the focus when users press the key combination.

  • A dialog, in which case your listener will be called only when users press the key combination while the dialog is open. In this case, the only requirement for the listener to be called is for the dialog to be open; the focus does not necessarily need to be on a form control inside the dialog.

You specify what key stroke(s) you want to listen to with the following two attributes:

  • xxf:text:

    • mandatory for keypress, keydown and keyup handlers

    • the key you want to listen to

    • SINCE Orbeon Forms 2019.1

      • special keys are supported: backspace, tab, enter, return, capslock, esc, escape, space, pageup, pagedown, end, home, left, up, right, down, ins, del, plus

  • xxf:modifier

    • optional

    • space-separated list of key modifiers that need to be pressed in addition to the key

    • UNTIL Orbeon Forms 2018.2

      • values can be Control, Shift, and Alt

    • SINCE Orbeon Forms 2019.1

      • values are no longer case-sensitive, but lowercase is recommended

      • shift, ctrl (control is supported for backward compatibility), alt/option, meta/command

NOTE: When using modifiers, the event name should be keydown. For backward compatibility, keypress is still supported but translated to keydown.

See also

Last updated