Email action

[Orbeon Forms PE only]


The email action sends an email with optionally XML form data, attachments, and PDF. It is automatically associated with the "Email" button, but can be called by an process.


  • [SINCE Orbeon Forms 2022.1] template: Every template you define in Form Builder has a name, and can be either for a specific language or for any language. When an email is sent, the following algorithm is used to determine what template is used:

    • All the templates that are for a specific language which doesn't correspond to the current language are filtered out.

    • If the template template parameter is present, all the templates whose name doesn't match the value of the template parameter are filtered out.

    • If exactly one template is left, then that template is used.

    • If no template is left, then a default title and body defined in the Form Runner resources is used.

    • [SINCE Orbeon Forms 2023.1] If more than one template is left and the match parameter is set to first or absent, then the first template is used, following the order in which they are defined in the form. If the match parameter is set to all, then all remaining templates are used.

  • [SINCE Orbeon Forms 2023.1] data-format-version: The data format version for the XML data, if included as email attachment.

    • 4.0.0: the default (which matches the backward compatibility format of the data, as stored in the database)

    • 4.8.0

    • 2019.1.0

  • [SINCE Orbeon Forms 2023.1] match: The behaviour to use when multiple templates are found. Can be first (default) or all. If all, then all matching templates are used (i.e. one email per template is sent).

Configuration properties

See Email configuration properties.


Here is an example of a submit process for the acme/order form, which saves data and then sends an email while specifying the email template to use as well as the XML data format version to use for the attachment:

<property as="xs:string"  name="">
    then validate-all
    then save
    then email(
        data-format-version = "4.0.0",
        template = "acme-order"
    then success-message("email-success")

See also

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