Lease API


[SINCE Orbeon Forms 2017.2]


This page describes what you'll want to do to support the Lease feature in your own implementation of the persistence API. If instead you'd like to use that feature, see the documentation on the Lease feature.

Enabling support

Custom persistence providers may support the Lease feature, but they are not required to. For this reason, if your implementation does support the Lease feature, you must set the following property to true for your provider:


If your implementation advertises itself as supporting the Lease feature, it must implement two additional methods, LOCK and UNLOCK, as described below. LOCK and UNLOCK are seen as an extension of the CRUD operations, so are issued to /crud/$app/$form/data/$document/data.xml.

The LOCK method


Before assigning a lease for a document to a user, Form Runner issues a LOCK for that document.


  • The duration of the lease is provided through the Timeout: Second-600 header (here for a 10-minute lock), per RFC 2518 section 9.8.

  • The body of the request contains a <d:lockinfo> XML document, which looks as follows. The <d:lockscope> and <d:locktype> are for compliance with RFC 2518, but for now only the values below are supported.

<d:lockinfo xmlns:d="DAV:" xmlns:fr="">


Your implementation keeps track of what lease is assigned to what user, for what document, and until when the lease is granted. Your implementation can grant a lease per the request if any of the following conditions are met:

  • No existing lease was previously granted for this document.

  • A lease was granted for this document, and it was granted to the same user.

  • A lease was granted for this document, and it has expired.

If the lease:

  • Can be granted:

    • Then your implementation responds with a 200.

  • Cannot be granted:

    • Then it responds with a 423, per RFC 2518 section 8.10.7.

    • The response must contain a <d:lockinfo> document with information about the owner of the lease (same document that was provided when the lease was acquired), and a Timeout header telling the caller for how much longer the lease is expected to stay in place.

    • This timeout value is only indicative as after your response the lease can be canceled by the user (see UNLOCK below) or renewed (by issuing another LOCK).

The UNLOCK method

To release a lease on a document, Form Runner uses the UNLOCK method with a <d:lockinfo> document in the request body. Based on the information in this document, if following the same logic used for the LOCK method, the lease:

  • Could be granted:

    • Then the implementation keeps track that nobody owns the lease on the document, and responds with a 200.

  • Couldn't be granted:

    • Then it responds with a 423, a Timeout header, and a <d:lockinfo> document in the response body, similarly to what is done for the LOCK method.

See also

Last updated