Orbeon Forms 2023.1.3

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Today we released Orbeon Forms 2023.1.3 PE! This maintenance release contains bug-fixes and new features and is recommended for all users of:

New features

You can now export form data from the Summary page in Excel format, with a simple new button:

For more, see the documentation.

In addition, we have added new keyboard shortcuts to Form Builder. For more see, the blog post.

Issues addressed

This release addresses the following issues since Orbeon Forms 2023.1.2 PE:

  • Accessibility

    • Single checkbox input is missing ARIA attributes (#6303)

    • <xf:select1> and <xf:select> with appearance="full" to have aria-required and aria-invalid (#6302)

    • Missing padding for Warning label (#6305)

    • Show label/name of current control in Control Settings dialog title (#6292)

    • Allow hiding the title of a section (#6288)

    • XBL components support for aria-invalid and aria-required (#6279)

    • Selected radio button and checkboxes are not showing in high contrast (#6350)

    • Unwanted black rectangle between fields and alerts in the high contrast on Windows (#6349)

  • Form Builder

    • Radio buttons for Collapsible not showing in Section/Grid Settings dialog (#6345)

    • "Dropdown with Other" truncates entries in Number field settings (#6308)

    • Email template condition missing after reloading form (#6319)

    • Date and time selection controls does not show in the Time Window tab of the Form Settings dialog (#6299)

    • Explanatory Text TinyMCE toolbar is small and doesn't always work (#6315)

    • Disallow browser textarea resizing in the Form Builder form area (#6312)

    • Hidden field is too wide and icon is too small (#6309)

    • Horizontal scrollbar in toolbox when version dropdown displayed (#6358)

    • Parameters editor should never allow entering two parameters with the same name (#6368)

  • Form Runner

    • Excel table export from Summary page (#6323)

    • Summary page Excel export: optional document id export (#6329)

    • Baseline updates do not include XBL components (#6352)

    • fr:run-process-by-name() isn't sync anymore (#6342)

    • TOC section stays highlighted (#6336)

    • "Single Checkbox with Label on Top" crashes when dynamically shown (#6339)

    • fr:dropdown-select1 to support minimal label (#6333)

    • Enabling form level placeholders hides full labels for all XBL components (#6334)

    • Email template expression doesn't resolve value correctly (#6335)

    • Process action send(content = "pdf") failing (#6328)

    • Improvements to Spanish resources for repeated grid, error dialog, attachment control (#6320)

    • Inline spinner button loses spinner when label updates (#6069)

    • Explanatory Text can overflow (#6316)

    • Number and currency don't support minimal labels (#6304)

    • Don't show upload metadata if readonly and missing (#6298)

    • Purge: 403 status code while purging data locally (#6289)

    • Scala.js TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object (#6287)

    • reCAPTCHA to support reset (#6291)

    • Export from Forms Admin doesn't produce a zip on SQL Server (#6283)

    • Exception caused by tinyMceObject.render() when loading orbeon/controls (#6262)

    • For SQL Server, switch from ntext to nvarchar(max) (#6266)

    • Excel form definition export crashes on Controls form (#6327)

    • Overlap of some fields in PDF (#6367)

  • Other

    • Missing license statement in two files (#6354)

    • Configuration banner shows for custom persistence provider (#6300)

    • XForms servlet filter stopped working in 2023.1 (#6325)

You can download the latest version of Orbeon Forms from the downloads page.

Don't forget to grab a trial license for the PE version.

Please send feedback via Twitter, Mastodon, or the forum.

We hope you enjoy this release!

Last updated